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Trump accuses Comey of lying, says he’d ‘100 percent’ agree to testify in Russia probe

comey, kasowitz, surrogates, testimony, leaker, private dinner, russia investigations, probe into russian interference, aid trump, sharp shift in strategy

A resistant President Trump on Friday denounced previous FBI chief James B. Comey of conferring prevarication in his blockbuster Senate declaration and said he was ready to share his variant of occasions under promise with the extraordinary guidance managing the growing Russia examination. 

Trump determinedly proclaimed his purity yet declined to understand his very own riddle making by expressing whether he has tapes of his one-on-one discussions with Comey. Any such recordings could demonstrate which man's record is exact, yet the president played bashful, saying he would hold up "a genuinely brief timeframe" to tell people in general whether tapes exist, as he initially proposed they may in May. 

Amid an aggressive news meeting in the White House Rose Garden, the president said Comey's declaration Thursday was politically inspired, contained deceptions, and neglected to set up that Trump had conspired with Russians to win a year ago's decision or had impeded equity in trying to end the national government's test. 

"No agreement. No block. He's a leaker," Trump said of Comey, including: "We were, exceptionally glad and, honestly, James Comey affirmed a great deal of what I said. What's more, a portion of the things that he said simply weren't valid." 

Comey's declaration before the Senate Intelligence Committee painted a cursing representation of Trump's character, and the president held up until Friday morning to end his hush — first in a 6:10 a.m. tweet announcing "add up to and finish vindication" and afterward in more detail at the evening news gathering. 

Comey — who affirmed that he had taken contemporaneous notes on every one of his discussions with Trump — said he trusted that the president had terminated him in light of the Russia test, educated "falsehoods" regarding Comey's record at the department and tried to divert the test far from previous national security counsel Michael Flynn. 

Trump and his associates and partners took after a two dimensional answer methodology: They clung to scraps of Comey's declaration as all out proof of Trump's purity while utilizing different components to attempt to censure the previous FBI executive's validity. 

The president, who had taken after the counsel of his legal counselors to abstain from remarking Thursday, was distinctively antagonistic in his introduction Friday and selected for the most part to convey broadsides instead of address the points of interest of Comey's declaration. 

Jonathan Karl of ABC News penetrated down on two or three key truths, in any case, starting with Comey's announcement that Trump had revealed to him that he trusted Comey would let the Flynn examination go. Trump answered three times, "I didn't state that." 

With respect to's statement that Trump had asked him amid a one-on-one supper in the White House to vow his steadfastness, the president stated: "I barely know the man. I'm not going to state, 'I need you to promise fidelity.' Who might do that?" 

Karl indicated out Trump that Comey had put forth these expressions under vow and asked the president — who has a long and very much reported history of telling lies — whether he would give his adaptation of occasions under pledge. 

"100%," Trump said. 

Karl additionally inquired as to whether he was ready to talk about the issue with Robert S. Mueller III, the previous FBI chief who is currently driving the Russia examination as unique advice. Trump said he would. 

"I would be happy to let him know precisely what I just let you know," Trump said. 

Similarly as his own legal advisor and surrogates had Thursday, the president marked Comey a "leaker" Friday for uncovering in his declaration that he had requested that a companion go along Comey's own notes of his discussions with Trump to a columnist, with the point of inciting the arrangement of an uncommon guidance. The Justice Department later selected Mueller to that part. 

Trump wrote in his Friday morning tweet, "Amazing, Comey is a leaker!" And he rehashed the charge at the Rose Garden news gathering, telling columnists, "He's a leaker." 

The expression "leaker" is normally used to allude to an administration representative who gives ordered records or state privileged insights to the news media. The case is distinctive with Comey, a previous government worker who shared individual notes and memories that are not ordered. 

Still, Marc Kasowitz, Trump's own legal counselor, was get ready to record an objection right on time one week from now over Comey's declaration with the Justice Department's controller general's office and the Senate Judiciary Committee, as per a man near the lawful group. 

A representative for the Justice Department investigator general declined to remark. 

On Thursday, Kasowitz affirmed in an announcement to columnists that Comey "singularly and surreptitiously made unapproved revelations to the press of special correspondences with the president." 

Trump's surrogates fanned out on TV news shows to reverberate the president's charge that Comey despicably spilled data. 

Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi (R) said on Fox News Channel: "I believe will need to take a gander at his, fundamentally, work contract with the FBI concerning what he would keep private and what he would uncover. Along these lines, I think there must be an examination. Am I prepared to state he carried out a wrongdoing? Actually no, not until we investigate this." 

Regardless of Trump's statement of "no obstacle," Democrats on Capitol Hill raised the prospect that he may have discouraged equity, in light of Comey's declaration, and required extra examinations. 

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), a senior individual from both the Intelligence and Judiciary boards, said in an announcement: "I see firsthand the qualification between the legitimate and counterintelligence perspectives exhibited by Director Comey's declaration this week. It is my solid suggestion that the Judiciary Committee examine all issues that bring up an issue of impediment of equity." 

Reps. Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.) and K. Michael Conaway (R-Tex.), who are examining the Russia issue on the House Intelligence Committee, sent a letter to White House direct Donald McGahn asking whether the White House has any recordings or memoranda of Trump's discussions with Comey or whether any have existed previously. They requested that the White House deliver them to the panel by June 23. 

Schiff and Conaway likewise sent a letter to Comey asking for that he share any notes or memoranda in his ownership about his discussions with Trump. 

Trump held his news gathering nearby the meeting leader of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, who showered laud on his American host. 

The visit came after Donald Trump Jr., the president's eldest child, who is running the family's land organizations while his dad is in office, apparently flown out to Romania in mid-May for a chasing and touring trip. A Trump Organization representative did not react to a demand for input about Trump Jr's. goes to Romania. 

U.S. knowledge offices have finished up absolutely that Russia intruded in the 2016 presidential race to attempt to impact its result to support Trump. Be that as it may, in his Rose Garden comments, the president rehashed his claim that the test into conceivable intrigue between his battle and Russia is simply a making of his political rivals. 

"That was a reason by the Democrats, who lost a race that a few people think they shouldn't have lost, since it's practically unimaginable for the Democrats to lose the constituent school, as you probably are aware," Trump said. "You need to keep running up the entire East Coast and you need to win everything as a Republican, and that is exactly what we did." 

Truth be told, Trump lost the greater part of the states on the Eastern Seaboard (he conveyed Florida, Georgia, the Carolinas and a segment of Maine). He won his discretionary school lion's share via conveying various fervently states in the mechanical Midwest, including Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Wisconsin.

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